
Subsea Geo Services Inc. (SGSI) Work History

SGSI is a joint venture operation between Cellula Robotics and Trinity Offshore formed in late 2014 and operated in partnership with Fukada Salvage and Marine Works. The Equipment utilized is the Fukada Unicorn-1 CRD100 seafloor drilling system. The CRD100 is the latest generation of Cellula developed subsea drills. Cellula’s involvement with subsea drill include:

Design development and equipment manufacturing for the following seafloor drill systems:

bullet 2006 Perry Slingsby ROV drill systems
bullet 2009 Perry Slingsby ROVdrill-3 system
bullet 2011 Perry Slingsby ROVdrill Mk2 Systems
bullet 2012 British Geological Society Rockdrill 2
bullet 2015 Fukada Salvage and Marine CRD100 Unicorn seafloor drill system
bullet 2015 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, CRD100 BMS seafloor drill system
bullet 2016 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, CRD100 BMS Seafloor drill system

SGSI utilizes the Fukada CRD100 3000 msw seafloor drill system coupled with heave compensated
electric winch and A-Frame for operations on a DP2 vessel. The system has also been operated on a
barge system, utilizing a lift winch and A-frame of opportunity, for shallow water operation.

Commercial Operations:

During 2017 SGSI and Fukada performed over 2,000m of CPT operation, 185m of coring operation and
over 1,300 hours of in water operation with the Unicorn-1 CRD100 Seafloor drilling system.

work history

sea trials









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