Subsea Geo Services Inc. (SGSI) Work History
SGSI is a joint venture operation between Cellula Robotics and Trinity Offshore formed in late 2014 and operated in partnership with Fukada Salvage and Marine Works. The Equipment utilized is the Fukada Unicorn-1 CRD100 seafloor drilling system. The CRD100 is the latest generation of Cellula developed subsea drills. Cellula’s involvement with subsea drill include:
Design development and equipment manufacturing for the following seafloor drill systems:
2006 Perry Slingsby ROV drill systems |
2009 Perry Slingsby ROVdrill-3 system |
2011 Perry Slingsby ROVdrill Mk2 Systems |
2012 British Geological Society Rockdrill 2 |
2015 Fukada Salvage and Marine CRD100 Unicorn seafloor drill system |
2015 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, CRD100 BMS seafloor drill system |
2016 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, CRD100 BMS Seafloor drill system
SGSI utilizes the Fukada CRD100 3000 msw seafloor drill system coupled with heave compensated
electric winch and A-Frame for operations on a DP2 vessel. The system has also been operated on a
barge system, utilizing a lift winch and A-frame of opportunity, for shallow water operation.
Commercial Operations:
During 2017 SGSI and Fukada performed over 2,000m of CPT operation, 185m of coring operation and
over 1,300 hours of in water operation with the Unicorn-1 CRD100 Seafloor drilling system.